Liposuction or liposuction


It allows us to remove excess localized fat when exercise and dietary changes have not been enough.

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It allows us to remove excess localized fat when exercise and dietary changes have not been enough. The extracted fat can be used to shape the contour in areas where there is a deficit with results that last over time. It is perhaps the surgical procedure that is most commonly performed in cosmetic surgery since through liposuction we can truly shape the body and "sculpt" by removing excess localized fat, giving volume with fat grafts where we require it. With the fortunate evolution of liposuction today, assists in this surgery are performed with Laser Lipolysis or Vaser (Liposelection) which improves the contraction of the skin, reduces surgical trauma and allows us to be more accurate in the muscle markings in both abdomen and extremities.

Antes y Después

Liposuction is not a tool to lose weight if you are an obese patient, in that case the ideal is to evaluate the possibility of a bariatric surgery. Remember that if you are a healthy person or with a controlled disease you may be a candidate for this procedure. With precise indications, it is undoubtedly one of the main tools in plastic surgery.

Liposuction is not a tool to lose weight if you are an obese patient, in that case the ideal is to evaluate the possibility of a bariatric surgery. Remember that if you are a healthy person or with a controlled disease you can be a candidate for this procedure, with precise indications it is undoubtedly one of the main tools in plastic surgery.


«When I consulted Dr. Rafael Perez I felt very calm in the way he describes the surgical procedure, at first a little nervous but nothing I decided to do it, of course after the surgery I felt I was going to look like a monster but the result was great. I definitely recommend Dr. Rafael Perez as an excellent plastic surgeon.»

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